Monday, 16 January 2017

Delicious Emily’s New Beginning: Level 2 “The Patio” Walkthrough, Hints, FAQs + Tips

Emily's New Beginning Walkthrough: The Patio (Level 2)

In this walkthrough, I show you how to achieve Perfect scores, mice locations, how to complete tasks, and useful Hints and Tips.  

Restaurant 2: The Patio Visual Walkthrough:

Level 2-1

The Patio is now open for business!  Patrick feels a little left out as Emily's business is going smoothly.  Meanwhile Uncle Antonio is excited that his good old pizza oven is back in action.

Mouse Location: On the left of the Oven (01:43)
Mouse Level 2-1 Location

Customers: Kids 50%, Regulars 50%

Level 2-2

Uncle Antonio is happy to help Emily in the Patio as it reminds him of the old days when he used to work in the restaurant. 

Mouse Location: Behind the potted plant (01:51)
Mouse Level 2-2 Location
Customers: Kids 20%, Regulars 80%

Level 2-3

College students begin to visit The Patio, but they don’t like Paige, and Paige don’t like them!  How can Emily run a happy restaurant…? 

Mouse Location: Above the Score Line 1400 (03:11)
Mouse Level 2-3 Location
Customers: Kids 15%, Regulars 15%,  Hipsters 70%

  • New customers "Hipsters" don't like Paige, and if you leave Paige too long with them, she gets upset, too!  Since we have 70% of Hipsters today, you should pick up Paige as soon as she starts wandering around.  

Level 2-4

Emily has a surprise visit by her ex, Richard - she learns that he is splashing money on Emily’s competitor, Dainton Wu’s restaurants…! 

Mouse Location: Above the middle table by the wall (01:17)
Mouse Level 2-4 Location
Customers:  Kids 15%, Regulars 35%, Hipsters 50%

Level 2-5

Julien the Critic is visiting The Patio today, and he is obsessed with cleanliness.  Emily must clean the tables as fast as she can!   

Tasks: Quickly clean tables 9 times
Mouse Location: Left of the cash registerer (02:21)
Mouse Level 2-5 Location
Customers: Foodies 20%, Kids 20%, Regulars 20%, Hipsters 40%

  • Julien hates Paige, so don't let her wander around today.
  • You need to clean the tables before the countdown ends, but it's not too difficult as you have a cleaner!  

Level 2-6

The competition between Uncle Antonio and Edward is getting fierce, but Paige already seems to know how to behave "politically correct"!

Mouse Location: Bottom left of the Gelato Wagon (02:09)
Mouse Level 2-6 Location
Customers: Foodies 30%, Kids 30%, Regulars 10%, Hipsters 30%

Level 2-7

Angie returns to help Emily and decides to take Paige as a prop to research Emily’s competition…

Mouse Location: Behind the Bread Station (02:06)

Mouse Level 2-7 Location
Customers: Foodies 25%, Kids 25%, Regulars 25%, Hipsters 25%

Level 2-8

Angie reports that none of Dainton Wu’s restaurants allows her to bring Paige.  Emily suspects that’s how they attract customers who don’t like babies...

Mouse Location: Behind the wheel of the Gelato Wagon (01:27)
Mouse Level 2-8 Location
CustomersFoodies 50%, Kids 0%, Regulars 35%, Hipsters 15%

Level 2-9

A group of Hipsters seem to enjoy visiting The Patio and eating Emily’s pizzas, but they firmly tell her that Paige has to go…

Task: Feed the Hipsters 8 times
Mouse Location: On the Gelato Wagon (02:41)
Mouse Level 2-9 Location
Customers: Foodies 33%, Kids 33%, Regulars 1%, Hipsters 33%

  • Today's task is to feed the Hipsters eight times.  Their table is not included in the chain bonus, so make sure you serve their food separately from other customers.

Level 2-10

Emily is depressed as the college students don’t like Paige, but she'd rather have more kids in her restaurant.  Patrick comes up with an idea of opening a restaurant in his garden, which will be more family friendly.

Mouse Location: Behind the Entertainer (01:18)
Mouse Level 2-10 Location
Customers: Foodies 10%, Kids 10%, Regulars 10%, Hipsters 70%

Restaurant 2: The Patio Visual Walkthrough:

Friday, 6 January 2017

Delicious Emily’s New Beginning: Level 1 “Emily’s Place” Walkthrough, Hints, FAQs + Tips

Welcome to my Delicious: Emily's New Beginning walkthrough!  In this walkthrough, I show you how to achieve Perfect scores, mice locations, how to complete tasks, and useful Hints and Tips.

Emily's New Beginning Walkthrough: Emily's Place (Level 1) Visual Walkthrough:

1. Level 1-1

After the fabulous honeymoon, Emily and Patrick have welcomed a new addition to the family, their first daughter Paige.  But having taken a maternity leave for a year, Emily is desperate to reopen her restaurant again - can she cope with working and parenting at the same time?

Mouse Location: Behind the plant pot to the right of the front door

Customers: Regulars 100%

  • Paige is now introduced to the restaurant and she can influence a customer's mood (Positive/Negative) as she wanders around.   Since today's customers are 100% Regulars, you can let her wander around as much as you like!
  • Before the game begins, you will be given a forecast of customers types.  Choose what to serve in your menu wisely so you can maximise tips.

2. Level 1-2

It's not easy being a working mom! Evelyn says Emily is missing out on Paige's growth, and Bridget thinks having a child at workplace is a no-no...

Mouse Location: Above the Paige's pen (02:36)

Customers: Regulars 50%, Soccer Moms 50%

  • Soccer Moms hate Paige!  So it's a good idea to upgrade Paige's toy to keep her on the spot.

3. Level 1-3

Bridget suggests that Emily should throw an opening party, and of course Francois is up for it!  But will the plan go well...? 

Task: Prepare props for the party 3 times 
Mouse Location: Above the Counter on the right (02:04)

Customers: Regulars 60%, Soccer Mom 40%

  • Here we go again!  While tending customers and Paige, you also have to prepare props for the opening party.  Luckily you now have Side the cleaner to help you clean the tables. 

4. Level 1-4

Emily hears the celebrity chef called Dainton Wu has just opened a new restaurant in Snuggford.  How can Emily compete with such a pronounced chef?  Meanwhile, Paige is spoiled by her grandparents who are eager to impress her...

Mouse Location: Top of the stairs (02:23)

Customers:  Seniors 34%, Regulars 33%, Soccer Mom 33%

5. Level 1-5

Francois comes up with the idea how to promote Emily's Place - to give away free samples of delicious pies at a bingo tournament!  But can Emily keep up with baking pies?

Tasks: Give pies to Francois 4 times
Mouse Location: Outside the middle window (02:09)

Customers: Seniors 70%, Regulars 15%, Soccer Moms 15%

  • In this episode, you have to bake pies for four times.  Francois is not very patient, so it's a good idea to keep one pie in your tray and hand it over as soon as he turns up.
  • The mouse appears outside the middle window ("Emily's Place" logo) and can be obscured if the customers are sitting at the table.  

6. Level 1-6

Paige has built a tower with blocks for the first time, but Tony gets too excited and breaks it!  Emily is gutted that she missed the special moment.  She tries to find the blocks so Paige can build it again...

Tasks: Find 8 Blocks
Mouse Location: To the right of the cash register (02:08)

Customers: Seniors 60%, Regulars 10%, Soccer Moms 30%

  • Today's task is one of the hardest!  You have to locate eight blocks scattered around the restaurant, but some of them are very hard to spot, especially the one inside Paige's pen.  Try to complete the task before it gets busy.

Level 1-6 Tasks: Blocks Locations

7. Level 1-7

Thanks to the promotion by Francois, now people are queuing up to buy Emily's delicious pies.  While dealing with the rush of customers, Emily forgets to look after Paige who nearly escapes from the restaurant!  How can she keep a closer eye on her from now on...?

Tasks: Retrieve Paige 6 times
Mouse Location: Above the middle window with logo (behind the stained glasses)

Customers: Seniors 50%, Regulars 40%, Soccer Mom 10%

  • The mouse is extremely hard to spot on this level.  It appears behind the stained glasses above Emily's Place logo.

8. Level 1-8

Edward takes his eyes off of the tool box in the restaurant, and look what Paige can do in 30 seconds!  Now Emily has to locate Edward's lost tools so he can work on the patio...

Tasks: Deliver Edward's tools 8 times
Mouse Location: Behind the Left Entrance Door (02:17)

Customers: Seniors 20%, Regulars 60%, Soccer Mom 20%

  • Today's task is to find tools and hand them over to Edward (See the picture below).  The most difficult one to spot is the one under the drink counter.  

Level 1-8 Task: Tools Locations

9. Level 1-9

Evelyn and Edward think Emily can't look after Paige properly, and they take her out to the zoo.  When they come back, Antonio and Bridget are waiting for her with a giraffe doll which is similar to the one she's given by her grandparents...

Mouse Location: Top of the Left Counter (02:09)

Customers: Seniors 25%, Regulars 50%, Soccer Moms 25%

10. Level 1-10

The Patio is almost ready!  It's Emily's final day to work in the restaurant, and once it's finished she can bake pizzas instead of pies.

Mouse Location: To the right of the centre table (02:38)

Customers: Seniors 33%, Regulars 34%, Soccer Mom 33%

Visual Walkthrough:

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Solitaire Showdown - Ultimate test for your Solitaire's speed and skills!

Solitaire Showdown Demonstration

Once upon a time, Microsoft Windows users were hooked for playing free card games such as Solitaire (aka Klondike), Spider Solitaire and Hearts.

Do you remember when you were frantically flipping the cards to get a win?  Yes I do!


Classic Solitaire

Yes it's a win!

But as the name suggests, Solitaire is always a very solitary affair.

You win, that's it.

Nobody would tell you how brilliant you are by winning Solitaire.

You've got nobody to share your joy with, because nobody gives a damn if you've won on Solitaire or not.

You have no competition, you are only beating your own record, forever.

That's why it's called Solitaire.

But more you become skilful, you want to show off how brilliant you are at playing Solitaire.  Yet, we used to be forever left alone in the Solitaire lonely planet... until now.

Now we have a great news!

Qublix games has developed this brilliant competitive game for Solitaire fans, namely "Solitaire Showdown".

How brilliant is it?

Well, the rule is very simple.  You try to outplay the opponents with your Solitaire skills and speed.  You all start with the same sequences of a 52 card deck and try to add cards to the four foundations as fast as possible.

The first person to add a card to the foundations will get 15 points, and the rest of you will get 10 points for the same card.  If you think you have no more cards to play, you can "End" the game or you can CHEAT by using a ticket to reveal a card to add to the foundation.

I hate when people cheat by using tickets, but well, that's how the game works and how they make money.  If you want to win at all cost, you may purchase tickets using in app purchase options.  Or, you pray no one else cheats in the same tournament!

All in all, I love the mechanism of the game, having a competitive edge to Solitaire games and it's an ultimate way to show off your Solitaire skills to others.

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